Rodney Potts


Rodney Potts

Dr Rodney Potts has been a member of the Met Apps Editorial Board for 8 years. Working with his specialist interests in aviation and radar meteorology he has consistently provided support and assistance to the Editor in the reviewing process for papers in these areas, as well as providing a link between the Journal and the wider Australian meteorological community in these subjects and others relevant to the remit to the Journal.

Whilst also publishing significant papers in the field of aviation meteorology, Drs Potts and Gill were also instrumental in preparing and producing a special Issue of Meteorological Applications focusing on developments in aviation meteorology, published in January 2014, as a current overview and update of topical issues in this field.

For this contribution to an often overlooked aspect of applied meteorology, but one which is relevant to the Journal and of high importance to the meteorological community, it is proposed to award the Meteorological Applications Editor’s Prize jointly to Drs Potts and Gill.